One of the few honest U.S. military experts still believes that Russia needs U.S. technology, and that Russia not America has been backing Al-Qaeda in Syria.
11 February 2025, by Eric Zuesse. (All of my recent articles can be seen here.)
This is to show that even sincere highly placed people in the U.S. Establishment — sincere agents of the U.S. Deep State — are woefully ignorant of crucial realities; and, so, some leading Americans who aren’t evil in intent, are so unquestioning of the enormously harmful system that they are a part of, they’re just closed-minded to recognizing it. U.S. Presidents and congresspeople are surrounded not only by evil people, but also by some who are instead simply closed-minded to crucial realities.
I was shocked today to hear Dr. Stephen Bryen — formerly a top person both at the Pentagon and leading a top-ten U.S. armaments manufacturer, and who is now one of America’s best public commentators on military matters — say that Russia needs high-tech U.S. parts in order to make and maintain competitive weaponry, and that Russia not America has been backing al-Qaeda in Syria. He said this, starting at 10:00 in the interview by Robert R. Reilly, here:
REILLY: uh and and [Russia] haven't stinted on both the development and manufacture of that weaponry
BRYEN: Well, you
know, when the Cold War ended, some of us had looked at each other and said what are the Russians going to do now, and we
said, well, the only thing they really got is a defense industry, everything else there was
really not much of a commercially competitive commercial base to draw on,
just oil and agriculture. It's really important, because, from the end of World War II in the
United States and and accelerating in the 1960s and70s
very very rapidly, and especially in the 80s, the US defense capability was
drawing on the computer and the microelectronics and all these things which gave our military a force
multiplier, very clearly a force multiplier. The the Russians, you know, I
remember when, when a Russian pilot flew to Japan in a MIG 25 which
was then this fantastic supersonic jet that everybody was worried about, and of
course the, it was taken apart by some of my
friends, and and when they took it apart they found vacuum tubes not
microelectronics. You know, we would, would never do anything like that, but they had no choice.
So, I think that it was clear that they they had a real deficit in the commercial sector and could not draw on
that to develop their weapons. So, today, you know they're using Western
components they have laundered through Asia and through other places, uh, in
their weapons, because they don't make them. It's that simple. so yeah they have
good weapons but a lot of the parts are American or at least they started out as
American parts, and and we found it in their missiles we found it in their tanks we found it in all sorts of things.
So uh I think the Russians need to modernize their their
economy and they're not going to do it with the Chinese I don't think, and they they need the West. So I I'm hoping this
is my opinion that that's that's something that Mr Trump and his
colleagues can exploit and it's just the sort of thing that Trump would find attractive because it gives him a kind
of uh way to make a deal you know, if you want some access to our electronics
Industry, maybe we'll help you out with that, but then we want this from you — that kind of thing.
REILLY: yeah uh meanwhile we've
become increasingly alarmed at the unsavory associations that Russia has
BRYEN: They’re very unsavory — Iran and North Korea and Syria.
Well, they lost Syria now, um you know, and and these terrorist groups all this
stuff it's a — they haven't they haven't helped themselves. But where do they go?
REILLY: Yeah, well, I
mean for 50% of their artillery ammunition they go to North Korea
BRYEN: Well, yeah, I mean it's not very good
ammunition, they've had a lot of problems with it and I think if they they really can do without it it's not helped them
much. It's not good to be loading a gun with a a bad round.
REILLY: I I on the other hand that's
that's a lot of 50% of their
BRYEN: I don't think it's 50%, Bob oh well,
I don't know where you got that number but that's far below that
REILLY: I I don't know whether it's
something the Russians themselves said but it's certainly in the press.
BRYEN: yeah but don't believe everything you read in the
REILLY: No, I don't I I learned that some time ago.
Among the many misstatements by Bryen were also a gross misrepresentation of who won WW2, portraying American troops as having played a big part in that (the victory in WW2) — not FDR’s Lend-Lease, which actually DID, but U.S. troops, which did not. Here is that passage:
It took a long time, four years, before we could do
Normandy, because we couldn't get that kind of mass in place, and you know the
Nazis had a big strong army that we were worried about, rightly so, but it it took the Russians beating
down the Nazis on the Eastern Front and us coming in from the from uh uh England
to cross the channel um uh to land. I don't remember, we landed 300,000 men or
something like overall at Dunkirk, it was a lot, not in the first stage, but it
it's a lot overall, and and uh and and that made it possible, I think, to turn
the war, certainly to be able to move rapidly
in France, of course the the Germans were stuck with, and I speak of Nazis, were
stuck with trying to defend on two sides, they couldn't do it at the
end, plus we were bombing the hell out of them.
Dunkirk Evacuation for the Allies
26 May till 4 June 1940
More than 338,000 Allied soldiers were involved in this, at the beaches and harbor of Dunkirk, in the north of France
On the first day, only 7,669 Allied soldiers were evacuated by civilian boats, but by the end of the eighth day, 338,226 had been rescued by a hastily assembled fleet of over 800 vessels.
There were no U.S. forces involved in the evacuation at Dunkirk (“D-Day”). None. Dunkirk occurred before America entered WW2.
Operation Barbarossa for the Nazis
22 June 1941
More than 3,800,000 Axis troops invaded the western Soviet Union along a 2,900-kilometer (1,800 mi) front. The Soviet Union’s ultimate defeat of that (the largest invasion-force in all of history) won World War Two for the Allies.
Normandy Landings for the Allies
6 June 1944
The Normandy landings [“D-Day”] were the landing operations and associated airborne operations introducing U.S. troops on a large scale into the Western Front war in Europe.
The invasion (landing operations) began shortly after midnight on the morning of 6 June with extensive aerial and naval bombardment as well as an airborne assault — the landing of 24,000 American, British, and Canadian airborne troops. The early morning aerial assault was soon followed by Allied amphibious landings on the coast of France c. 06:30. The target 50-mile (80 km) stretch of the Normandy coast.
Both FDR (publicly) and Churchill (privately) thanked Stalin for having won WW2 for the Allies.
Systematically ever since Truman started the Cold War on 25 July 1945, that reality (the Soviets having won WW2 for the Allies) has been lied-about by the U.S. empire and is ever-increasingly replaced with the myth that WW2 was mainly won by U.S. and UK. Even Stephen Bryen believes this lie (and the lie that the U.S. Government has been anti-al-Qaeda). (And that China and Russia, which are deeply committed to the same anti-imperialistic ideology, will violate it and their alliance by joining the side of the lone remaining and even hyper-imperialist regime, the U.S. regime.) So, it’s easy for even well-intentioned persons who have calcified minds, encrusted with old false ideas, to be serving — even if unknowingly — as agents of (and having served at high posts in) America’s essentially nazistic Deep State. There are some decent people who have been so deluded for so long by the common myths in their culture as to have been working for even extremely evil regimes, such as the post-1944 (the Trumanite) U.S. Government.
PS: If you like this article, please email it to all your friends or otherwise let others know about it. None of the U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media will likely publish it (nor link to it, since doing that might also hurt them with Google or etc.). I am not asking for money, but I am asking my readers to spread my articles far and wide, because I specialize in documenting what the Deep State is constantly hiding — what the ‘news’-media ignore if they can, and deny if they must. This is, in fact, today’s samizdat.
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.