This is very dramatic, saddening and significant news.

Thanks for it. It is, of course, precisely the kind of news/commentary we're all looking for and not finding much of. This is more 'on point' than anything I know of currently.

Horrifying to think that Russia could lose such a massive amount as 10% of its capacity overnight.

Caught unprepared again, I hope. Rather than caught 'prepared' but the preparations were inadequate.

Hopefully this will be the fullest extent of this breach.

It serves to highlight the well known but universally ignored fact that Russia is at war with the usa.

Broadcast unashamedly as 'allies' of Ukraine they are nevertheless treated as neutral bystanders, merely, perhaps, doing a little business on the side.

No. They are 'allies'. They are IN the war. They are co-belligerents. We All know they are in fact the principal belligerent.

Isn't it time to start telling the truth? At the very least? Call it what it is: America waging all out war on Russia.

Let it be said as it is.

Orwellian new speak has had a good run and driven the world into a madness.

Now is surely the time to start just telling it as it is?

America is making war on Russia, full on, all out, and Russia is not hitting back. Tell the world that.

Let them see it/know it, those that don't already see and know.

And then start hitting back.

Bring it on. Then the fence sitters may declare themselves. Sooner or later they must. Biggest one, of course, China. I think it intends to sit on the fence eternally. Will not participate. But i think it must. Not troops. Okay. So never any troops. But a simple declaration that it will support Russia in any and all ways short of troops would be enough. Because even if the lunatic americans at the top wouldn't/couldn't see it everyone else would: no way the threadbare bull**it usa and its poncy european satrapies could compete with the industrial might of china. and if India did the same. And Brazil. Etc. It would be game over.

It would be a drawing of the lines.

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Thanks for your carefully reasoned comment about this grim news. As regards China and Russia, there might likely be an even bigger possible turning-point if and when Russia and China commit to protecting each other against the world's common enemy, the U.S. empire. Perhaps BRICS was established in order to make that bilateral Russia-China alliance multilateral if and when that eventuality occurs. For this reason, BRICS might privately broach an invitation for Panama to join, and privately insinuate the possibility that if Panama would welcome that secretly made offer, then both China and Russia would commit to protecting Panama from the now-likely invasion of Panama by the U.S. regime that would be done in order for the U.S. to grab the Panama Canal. Already, both China and Russia have become well-rooted in Panama; and, if they would be defending Panama in this matter, then they would be supported by international law and by the vast majority of the U.N. General Assembly voting for a Resolution against the U.S. regime's then-blatant aggression against Panama. Panama would be within its legal rights to seek allies in its defense against the U.S. regime. Whatever the outcome of that war would be, it would entail the repudiation of the U.S. regime by most of the world, and this alone would be a crushing reputational blow to the entire U.S. empire, and an invitation for America's colonies ('allies') to abandon it. The dollar would quite possibly crash. America's billionaires would likely suffer long-term losses. Trump therefore might back down from his openly announced threat to invade Panama. But, if he does, then that would constitute a public display that "the American Century" is over.

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I like it. I had not thought of such a thing but it sounds credible and even desirable, kinda 'brinkmanshipish' though it may be. We're all on the brink anyway. Nearest I've ever surmised to that would have been that Russia should now go ahead and put all kinds of troops and missiles in Cuba (if Cuba is willing). :) And Venezuala.

You know it's just that insane clique at the top and their claque. It's the clique and claque we're after. :) And so hard to get at. But 350 million americans out there doing nothing but swilling coke and junk food. They should be 'getting them'.

But we can watch the whole list from hackneyed one trick ponies to the most educated sensible and earnest and never hear one of them suggest waking up the populace nor address the populace and tell that what to do.... For the intelligentsia of the usa, such as it is, the people simply don't exist any more than they exist for that clique.

There's the problem. How to get round that.

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