No...they are ALL traitors. Everyone in Congress.

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I agree, but this article focused on only one item of evidence, and it pertains to only these 12.

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I agree, but this article focused on only one item of evidence, and it pertains to only these 12.

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Certainly smells like they are either idiots or they are bought and paid for!

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Whatever their motives are in this, these Senators are essentially foreign agents, because they are threatening the International Criminal Court with sanctions by the U.S. Government in order to protect Israel's Prime Minister. If that's any Government's business, it is Israel's Government's business, not the business of America's Government. None of these Senators legally represents Israel's Government. This threat is entirely illegal, and what they are threatening is international law itself. How, then can the U.S. Government tolerate this? Only if the U.S. Government despises international law. How can the ICC tolerate it? Only if they don't take their responsibilities seriously.

Thanks for your comment. Perhaps I should have said in the article what I have now said to you.

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