Yep. That's right. It is all about propaganda. That's clear and obvious.

So how does it come about that no one at all ever seeks to push the propaganda point that it is a civil war of Kiev Ukraine against Donbas Ukraine?

And that existed for eight years before Russia finally came to help?

To my mind that simple fact would be enough to alter almost anyone's perception of things over to the Allied (Donbas Ukrainians + Russians) side.

It certainly altered mine, way back years ago when I was first trying to come up to speed on this whole thing.

But it never gets a mention. Never.

Look how fundamentally important it is:

. It largely all by itself defines what 'victory' is for zelensky. We don't need all the conjecture and querying. We can insert that as a given.

. It defines the nature of that victory in human terms, ethics, morality, political stance: e.g. 'democracy' or not.

. It therefore also defines what America et al are working towards just as backing Israel indisputably defines US and UK etc. push towards genocide, no doubt, no dispute, a given.

. It adds a moral and domestic political dimension to the discussion where until now it is all about simple 'invasion' and 'theft of land'.

. The history of domestic negotiation prior to secession becomes a factor and of itself raises the question of the Donbas State's democratic or UN if you like, rights to self determination.

. That latter: right to self determination should be seen as crucial to the whole thing. There is no invasion of Ukraine if it is recognised. Russia is helping Donbas repel invasion. That's the truth. This fact demonstrates it.

The whole thing can be seen as a grotesque massive monstrous evil built upon a storm in a teacup if you like.

There's two brothers fighting in the house over the road. One of them decides he's had enough of it and barricades his part of the house off. That's it. Finish. End of it. All their affair. Not ours.

But here we've got a big bully friend of one of them - the bigger of the two brothers - is urging that brother to smash through and attack the smaller brother and stand over and 'conquer' him: giving him even weapons and every help he can.

Seriously bad. Someone should do something.

So up and down the street we ask someone to help.

The neighbourhood watch. Local law enforcement. Everyone. No one will help.

For eight years the big brother keeps smashing away at the little brother.

Finally the fellow from the house next door to the little brother's side of the house accedes to the little brother's pleas for help and steps in to help.

And what happens? Up and down the street they say the fellow from next door has been and is attacking the brothers. That there's a war on. The guy from next door against the brothers.

That's wrong. It's a lie. It's stupid.

It is propaganda. Deceiving evil propaganda.

Why is there no push, no narrative, no counter propaganda?


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Really, why should I care about the news? I cannot think of one good, decent reason.

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