"Germany is now clearly a declining nation, all of which can be traced to its peonage (vassalage) to the U.S. dictatorship — the dictatorship by America’s thousand or so billionaires, whose wealth has been soaring mainly from the world’s by-far-largest ‘defense’ industry, whose profits ever since the Soviet Union ended in 1991 have soared the most of any sector, because these are virtually the only industries that can control their own market, because their own market is their own Government."

Germany has been declining since the end of WWII. WWI drove the potential for war profits home, but WWII was the epitome of war profit potential. At the end of WWII, the rapacious megalomaniacs in the United States could not resist the temptation to gain control of the federal government and become a world hegemon. The CIA was conceived* as the muscle to accomplish this. Throughout the 1950s, the nascent Deep State worked toward its goal of government control. On November 22nd, 1963, an enormous step was committed toward that goal. Since then, to an increasing extent, all presidents have been titular.

* Most likely, Harry Truman saw the creation of the CIA as a spy/information-gathering entity, But not Allen Dulles, the first civilian Director of Central Intelligence, who, along with his brother John Foster as the secretary at DOS, was paramount throughout the 1950s, in building a powerful base for the Deep State. Most likely, Allen Dulles was behind the assassination of JFK.

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Luckily, for the Muslim Migrants, the US Military is in Europe. Otherwise, not only the Germans, but also the French and British, would be tempted to send said Muslim Migrants to Concentration Camps!

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Obviously, Amerikans have in it for the German people, as a people. Of course, said Amerikans rationalize to themselves that the reason they hate Germans is because Germans hated Jews. Amerikans tell themselves that they are so upset, so morally outraged, about the death of Anne Frank and the rest of The Six Million Jews who perished in The Holocaust. Yet, that is not the underlying reason that Amerikans feel such passionate hatred for Germans.

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All makes sense. After all, if there are two countries, in Europe, that Americans hate above all others, they are Russia and Germany. Of course, do not mistake me, I firmly believe that BOTH the Soviet Communists AND the National Socialists of Germany actually did set up many, many prison camps, wherein they tortured and killed their victims in the most ghastly and macabre ways possible. I am neither a Gulag Denier nor a Holocaust Denier. Trust me!

But, over the years I realized that something was not quite right. I doubt the US Media is really telling the American people the whole truth about either The Cold War or The Second World War. I suspect that the US has a certain ulterior motive for vilifying Russia and Germany alike. And, we can all guess what that is. Namely, the US Empire desired control of The Shatter Zone of Eastern Europe-- the countries between the borders of Russia and Germany-- for themselves! In all the movies and documentaries about The Cold War and The Second World War, something always seemed a bit off.

I suspect this has been going on for quite some time. What is also suspicious to me is how Anglophilic Americans tend to be. Though Americans tend to fixate on the sins of the Russians and Germans, they seem to assume that the British, of all people, are some paragons of Chivalry and/or Civilization. The British, the English in particular, are depicted as so noble and chivalrous, and yet the Germans, and the Russians to a lesser extent, are depicted as so evil and barbarous. Mind you, not that the Germans and Russians never did anything wrong, but does anyone really assume that the British are necessarily any better than either the Germans or the Russians? Do they not know of all the atrocities and outrages carried out by the British in the process of carving out and maintaining their overseas empire? I have to wonder!

Joseph Biden, much like most other Americans, is in all likelihood either an anti--Russian bigot and/or an anti-German bigot and likely both. After all, Americans have never forgiven or forgotten the many US Soldiers, and other US Military personnel, who fought and died in both world wars.

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Excellent, informative article. Thanks.

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Germany must kick out the American occupation force. Also be the 110 country?

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I am not sure that would be a good idea!

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