🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞 !!!

{...from within the US ...}

What "good" can the world really expect from an entirely ignorant because utterly gullible, therefore horribly obese/sick and completely brainwashed plebes ??? ...

It currently gets clearer by the hour, that it's the tail that wags the dog !!!

No need to tell you who's playing the part of the tail ...

The US, Commonwealth (Five Eyes) and huge parts of the EU as their modern colonies have been securely "taken-over" by "the guys" orchestrating activity in Ukraine and the ME and the music is composed in The City of London.

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You should make a distinction between the American public and the American aristocracy, but you aren't: you instead confuse them together as one. Yes, the "plebes" are brainwashed by the aristocrats; but during the American Revolution the plebes waged war against the aristocrats. If this can't happen again, perhaps WW3 is inevitable. I'm not quite so pessimistic, which would be "throwing in the towel.".

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