You forgot America 2020.

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Fantastic, and heartbreaking, overview on the actions of the criminal Global American Empire. Eric, the only information missing is the shelling and killing of Russian and Russian speaking citizens of the Russian identifying oblasts, leading to 14k deaths by Ukrainian nazi troops since the coup.

And Russia's SMO was NOT unprovoked: Ukraine in fact was amassing huge battalions on their border with Russia, in the weeks and months leading up to the SMO. Of note, the four Russian speaking oblasts had the international right to declare independence from Ukraine according to international law. A fact that of course, is also not clarified by MSM, scratch that, MS Propaganda. We are being lied to on a daily basis.

As a young Dutch teen, I visited East Germany before the wall fell. I'd always wondered how the German Democratic Republic (DDR), a totalitarian regime could get away with "Democratic" in their name...saw the common people getting around on foot, the slightly better off with Ladas, and the rich and well connected in Mercedes Benz cars. That's corruption in a nutshell, and is happening in the US as well. Observed a similar issue in Venezuela in 2006, with posters of Chavez everywhere, and a mandatory daily radio show with Chavez.

I haven't watch TV in decades, however I listened to radio with an Obama interview while campaigning for his Presidency and observed a below average thinker. I always wondered how people didn't see through the propaganda.

Ofc working in healthcare, I knew the lies about Obamacare "making healthcare more affordable." Contradictions show the corruption: US politicians and oligarchs have armed bodyguards while advocating for annihilation of the Second Amendment. The US needs referendums; it hasn't been a democracy for a very long time.

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Thanks, Kaatja, but none of that was missing, if you clicked onto the article's 5 links at "rabidly anti-Russian leader, who immediately imposed an ethnic-cleansing program to get rid of the residents in the regions that had voted overwhelmingly for the overthrown President."

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