Zionism is merely the Jewish equivalent of Nazism. Intriguingly, the Israelis want to be Nazis themselves, but forbid anyone else to have their own form of Nazism. Or, so I had thought, until I learnt of their support for Ukrainian Nazis against Russia. It is an intriguing double standard, in my view.

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Oh my...doesn't really matter since there is always another war around the corner. Humanity loves their wars and will never give them up. If they didn't, they would outright refuse to participate no matter what governments demanded.

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You ignore that the wars are brought by the billionaires (today's aristocrats) and are paid for by the bodies and taxes from the public, and bring profits almost ONLY to the billionaires, so that the entire system is a money-funnel from the masses to the classes. Your "Humanity loves wars" lays the blame upon victims (especially upon the individuals who become fooled by the billionaires' news-media). You ignore the systemic reality.

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Time will tell ...

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