The key question then remaining might be: Are you or I deceived? In some things? In all things to some degree?

Don’t be quick to answer. Check it out first. (This is not easy and can be very time consuming.)

You might be surprised!

I have found that becoming ‘undeceived’ is a process and it never ends. Whenever I thought that I had finally found ALL the ‘truth’, I was usually deceived, at least in part.

Paul, in I Corinthians 13:12, says that ‘now I know in part, then I shall know fully’, referring to when he shall face Christ face to face.

Our human tendency is to almost always assume that our present state is one of ‘near perfect knowledge and understanding’. If you believe that, you are deceived.

So what should we do? Prove all things! ALL THINGS! -

1 Thessalonians 5:21 KJV: Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

FACT: All of us - without exception - are deceived to one degree or another -

https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2024/07/the-unholy-trinity-of-deceit-narrative.html?m=0 - especially those who ASSume they're not!

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The fact that there are fact checkers tells you all you need to know. Truth needs no fact checking.

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No, a scientifically-based person trusts nothing that anyone says, and always requires verification -- solid evidence -- before taking anything as being true. The problem with hired 'fact-checkers' is that they work for and are paid by propaganda-agencies, in order to deceive people in the 'right' way. For an intelligent person, fact-checking is a routine job that can't and won't be contracted-out. One can hire specialized experts, but even they can be fallible or worse. Ultimately, a scientist does all of his/her own fact-checking. The quality of the scientist's work depends upon how intelligent (or "skillful") that fact-checking is.

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