What complete arrogance, these Senators have! Quick in their attacks, which demand even quicker answers. Heartbreaking how absolutely limited their reality is, while being totally determined to discredit RFK Jr. and his qualified dedication of focusing on the most essential health care issues, not the fringe, off centered, inflated heated interests of the Senators.
The senators should disclose how much they have received from big pharma.
What complete arrogance, these Senators have! Quick in their attacks, which demand even quicker answers. Heartbreaking how absolutely limited their reality is, while being totally determined to discredit RFK Jr. and his qualified dedication of focusing on the most essential health care issues, not the fringe, off centered, inflated heated interests of the Senators.
You are so infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome that you cannot see the historically amazing things about Trump's sweep election, or the remarkable things about his appointments. Are they all remarkable? No. Is each perfect? No. Is the speculative handwringing your writig has fallen into responsible journalism? No. (See Matt Taibbi.) We have chances under Trump to sever from at least some of the monsters keeping Americans sick, terrified, ignorant and hateful of each other. That Sanders is a complete bought-out fraud has been obvious since he screwed his supporters in 2016, as Obama screwed them from day one, lending his pleasant black face. I support RFKjr from his years of work with the CHD, and from reading A Midwestern Doctor and Dr. Peter McCullough/Courageous Discourse, and Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea Here is their side:https://x.com/ChildrensHD/status/1884672455156826511?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1884672455156826511%7Ctwgr%5Eadcf1341eb8aa4e56255241eaf414fbaf514f236%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fchildrenshealthdefense.org%2Fdefender%2Frfk-jr-senate-hearing-radical-transparency-health-agencies%2F