My understanding is that Bashir did not like the "regime" and wanted to democratization it but wanted to do so without opening it up to overthrow by America/Israel and was unable to solve that problem. He was a physician by training and not a politician by training.

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There is no evidence for what he says. Ask Eva Bartlett what she thinks. Or even Kevorrk Almassian, Vanessa Beeley, who fortunately escaped in time from the "liberators of the regime"....

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Actually, America is has been slowly committing genocide against the Germans, and other Europeans, since The Second World War. Germans are not allowed to even feel patriotism for their country. Most US Military bases are in Germany.

I would even go so far as to say that the United States of America designed the EU to punish not only Germany, but also France and Britain, for all the US Soldiers, and other military personnel, who fought and died in the World Wars. Americans cannot get over it.

Now, the only other country, in all of Europe, that Americans hate as much as they hate Germany, is Russia.

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