That one echange is absolutely contrary to her action in every political position she has ever held when faced with serving her donors/masters vs the people who have elected her. I'm not buying that it is not just another Kamala being fake for the situation.

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What would a second American Revolution look like? Well, for starters, it would seem like a coin-toss between the winner establishing a totalitarian communist regime or a totalitarian fascist regime. Any of the few people who believe in the constitution, liberty, free enterprise, or limited government, will be exterminated systematically in door-to-dpor fashion by whichever side wins, so people like me can be disregarded as both doomed and irrelevant.

The communist side is armed only with dildos, and the fascist side owns all the guns, so that would seem like an easy win for fascism. However, the communist side controls the police and the military, who will obey blindly any order given no matter how hard they try to convince themselves that they would follow their broken-on-utterance oath to the constitution, as that would officially make them domestic terrorists or "insurgents" if they did.

And once the fascists realize that it is not the communists politicians coming for them, but the police and military whom they worship and adore, then they will surrender to the communist regime and tattle on any holdouts.

So we are looking at full Soviet-style communism for however long that can last here, come hell or high water.

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Ok, I have no idea if your conclusions are true, but you think she'll be ok because of something she SAID to this guy? She's saying anything and everything to get elected, which totally contradicts everything she's said in the past. And you believe her. Trump does not flip on policy like this. Abortion is different now that it's in the states where it belongs. This article seems unintelligent and very surfacy just as you accuse her. WHEN do you believe what a politician SAYS anyway? Watch what they DO. It's possible she wouldn't be as bad as the people you name, but who knows who she is? Come on.

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Well I am happy that you distrust what she said there, because I do too. I didn't say otherwise. But the reason why I believe that what she said there IS nonetheless evidence and not MERELY another lie from her, is the surrounding context in which she said this, and the immediacy of her saying it, and the look on her face when she said it, and the entirety of of the incident, all of which I believe indicates that she really does believe that her donors don't own her -- that they're just nice people who support her because she's a nice person. In other words: that she is stupid (and that her"JOY!" is real). Since I believe that she IS stupid (illogical in her beliefs), I expect that tomorrows night in the debate with Trump, she might be even stupider than he is, and therefore fall into a trap by Trump. If he can't trap her, then both of their heads are like a bucket of rocks. But in any case, RFK Jr. in a debate would maul either of them. If he were in this contest, then he would win in a landslide. That's why the billionaires wouldn't permit it. Maybe the American electorate are like a bucket of rocks, but he certainly isn't.

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Hi Eric. Ha. Well I don't believe a word she says to anyone. She's all about power and saying whatever she thinks will get her elected. RFK Jr. would kill either of them in a debate. As would Tulsi Gabbard who I hope is helping him! Trump isn't dumb at all, but oratory is not his thing. Don't vote for her! This is about overall Democrat party authoritarian behavior and she's on record saying someone has to oversee speech. That is disqualifying right there and should be to you. Look it up.

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Your opinion of Trump is more favorable than mine. I don't deny that the Republican Party is disgusting. But ever since Obama, at least, the Democratic Party is no better, just more hypocritical. So, America will have a very bad President, but I hope it won't be as bad as Biden is, and as Obama was.

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No, Trump is nearly irrelevant in this. I didn't like him at first. His policies are mostly ok. But this is entirely about what this authoritarian government and leftists are doing to free speech, fair elections (no ID in MI and all can vote by mail). I was censored in the literary community (I'm a writer) and worked out of my adjunct queue because I had the nerve to agree with the president of the university that we should take no political positions. My son had cancer and I didn't do my personal evaluation so they got rid of me after publicly flogging me in the English dept. My press also excommunicated me. Wayne State. So this is a one issue thing. Free elections. Democrats say Trump is trying "voter suppression" for threatening they better not cheat (censorship, election law), disenfranchising voters tey say while they try to keep RJK off the ballot in places it hurts them and ON the ballot when he doesn't want it. And take off West and Stein. All about voters' rights. Trump did not try to take RFK off even though he was hurting HIM more. This is about raw power. Trump is a free speech guy, but he isn't about to let the left lie about him without pushing back against them. I am surprised if you are on substack that free speech isn't your first issue. You can't vote for Harris if it is. She is on record that she'll police speech. Also, I live in Antrim co. where the votes were switched to the tune of 6,000 votes, but Trump is not allowed to see these machines. Right. If it can be done by error, it can be done on PURPOSE. They should not have internet capability. So it's all about this fascist regime. You think way too highly of Democrats. (I do not like the establishment right). But this is a simple obvious choice here.

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I've done numerous articles against censorship, such as, on August 19th, https://ericzuesse.substack.com/p/why-all-censorship-is-harmful and I said and meant ALL, regardless by government or by privately owned media, so it goes even beyond the First Amendment, and I say why. However, though I consider Trump the least bad President so far in this Century, he was a very bad President. Censorship (private and public) isn't the ONLY issue.

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That's good! Well, I don't believe he was bad. There are things I didn't like. Definitely better than all that came before him as you say. But just remember, without freedom of speech, NO other issue matters. None. There can be no debate about issues. So you aren't being logical. :) Alex Berensen just wrote a substack article about how he came out strong for free speech and no government interference. And he's never been a Trump fan. And Kennedy sees who the real threat is here. So the other things you talk about can't matter without it.

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"Trump does not flip" 🤣🤣🤣

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I have no idea what you're talking about. I said NOTHING to YOU at all, let alone say you said she was "ok." Maybe YOU should learn to read. I have been talking to ERIC.

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Trying to apply reason and logic to politics is an exercise in insanity - stick to what you're good at - discerning who's ruling us -


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Thanks for reminding me of that article I did on 9 November 2018, because the videos it linked to are superb documentations of U.S. federal and state governments' corruptness, and I had forgotten which article contained them. Also, your re-titling it as "Who Rules Us?" is better than my own "America Is One-Dollar-One-Vote, Not Really One-Person-One Vote." So, the next time I write on this subject, I'll use your title for it. Anyway, the evidence keeps piling up and all of it is consistent, that America is an aristocracy instead of a democracy. Consequently, any politician or journalist or political 'scientist' who, from now on, alleges that the U.S. is a democracy and that it's aiming to overthrow some 'autocracy' or 'dictatorship' is so bad that only ignorant and deceived people will take seriously any longer such a person.

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