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Lovely, thankyou, exactly what I need to drop on my FB page, my X page, my blog, append to my emails: a succinct accurate summary of the current state of evil in geopolitics.

No one else is doing it that I have seen so far. All in deliriums of various types, pro or con Trump.

Fact is the whole question of Trump arbitrating a peace between Ukraine and Russia is a canard.

1. Because the USA can unilaterally end the war at any time by simply ceasing to promote it: Trump virtually said as much just now.

2. The 'war' is not between 'Ukraine' and Russia. It is between the USA and Russia.

3. 'Ukraine' is not Ukraine - it means 'Kiev Ukraine' and has done so in the media for at least three years and it totally omits all mention or consideration of the 10 million Donbas Ukrainians.

The hidden monster and wildcard in all this is of course, the people of the western world who could have put an end to this at any time did they care a jot. They and the western media (of all kinds).

That hidden monster is in fact the main thing that keeps it all going.

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