Either Trump thinks that the conflict is primarily a territorial dispute, in which case he is an idiot, or, more likely, he knows full well what the conflict is about, but thinks he can achieve something by pretending that it is a territorial dispute, and strongarming Russia with sanctions into acting like it is, in which case he is a moron. Or, third option, he just wants to make a lot of noise like he is accomplishing something, and quietly disentangle his administration from this failure while pretending this is a personal victory. The question is, will the MIC allow that?

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Excellent analysis of Trump and the elites he is owned by.

Trump will in no way keep any promise that would be deleterious to the Deep State. If he holds any promise, it will be insignificant in the scheme of the Elite's quest for further wealth and power.

Those Americans who receive Social Security or Medicare are considered as dog shit on the shoe of those in power. They strongly resent that those Americans are not producing taxes but, in fact, are depleting the tax base that they consider to be rightfully theirs.

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Eric, excellent points.

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The war started with US financing the Bolisvick couple in 1917 and the drawing of the 1917 to 1953 borders.

British interference began overtly with the Crimea War of 1853.

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The American people are quick to believe that Putin is bad, the midget who plays the piano with his pines is good? That POS Zalinski who was hired to siphon trillion dollars out of our taxpayers and to imprison priests, and close down churches is the good guy according to the retarded Evangelicals.

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Christian Zionists will NOT like what you said. Shame.......

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Trump has no standing in, and naught to say of this conflict…

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