..."All scientific studies of real-world U.S. politics have proven that this nation is an aristocracy, not a democracy, and that political Party makes almost no difference in determining the actual policies that the Government pursues"...you just made my case for not voting.

The election is no more than a puppet operation that allows the voter to presume he is voting for what he wants. This has been gaining momentum since the late 1700's. Democracy, republic, aristocracy, whatever...they are all failures because the underlings in all cases are nothing more than slaves.

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It wasn't always like this in the U.S. The big turn away from democracy and toward aristocracy was under President Truman, who easily became swayed by Dwight Eisenhower and Winston Churchill to, basically, allow the Deep State (which ever since 1902 was building footholds in the U.S. Government) to take control. Truman created the "military-industrial complex" and Eisenhower built it even bigger, and it has just gotten more and more control, especially after 9/11. Stunningly, the public doesn't much care. To a large extent, they are suckered by it. Even Gabbard and Kennedy play down the puppet-masters, the controlling role that billionaires now play in the U.S. Government. Apparently, everybody now needs those puppet-masters. And the public tolerates this. For the most part, they don't even know that it's true. And they don't care enough to find out that it is. More and more, people focus only upon themselves. And billionaires continue pretending to be 'philanthropists' (tax-advantaged donors to propaganda-agencies they set up). The very notion of "the public" loses its meaning, and so "the public interest" becomes an empty shell.

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Once widespread, long-lasting famine creates brutal, armed civil-commotion in most of the West, there will be some little hope that "societies" can (not necessarily will) change for the better in the very long run .

This may take a generation or two, if there's any humans that still want to procreate in that region are left and not having been exterminated by incoming, alien folks who have been told that there's an "opportunity" ...

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