Actually, it's the Central Banks that control the US (and most other) Government(s).

The Federal Reserve is not a government institution, it is a privately held corporation with private and primarily foreign owners. IT controls the MIC, which is one of the industries that generously pays Americans to assist in undermining their own country. IT also controls every other major industry in the world.

But hey, since we've sold our souls for mammon (30 pieces of silver), and to the same interests, why not make money as we destroy our nation and kill our fellow mankind. What was the last four years all about? "Heroes" in the MEDICAL (never say Health) industry killing their fellow mankind, ... all for a little bit of money. Even dancing while doing it. What fun! I mean what's better than having a good time while killing people. That's what the MIC is all about, why not extend that into our own country domestically too. If it's good for the rest of the world, ...

For more on that, obviously brush up on how Rockefeller coopted the God-provided all but free Neutriceutical network and created the "Medical" and Pharmaceutical INDUSTRIES. Again, all for the applauded by all making of money. After all, money/wealth is the primary goal in America, right. That's how people are judged, by their wealth and financial situation, that being the leading indicator of "morality" in our country.

90+% of whom the government hires and pays assists the Central Banking Cartel in assuring their goals. Hence the benefits of getting paid to assist in doing so. Add "Education" onto that list, Law, and of course when's the last time the "Law Enforcement" industry actually stood up to illegal government activity from the top and didn't first and foremost "Protect and Serve ..." the same. Funny how they beat down Americans for stupid stuff or even nothing, but won't do much about the legions of Illegals that come into our country, many being hardened criminals. Funny too the disposition of the "Serpico" types that have tried. Terry Yeakey's among them. Funny how no one knows who he is. And it's always interesting the unfathomable ways in which some people commit "suicide."

It's always interesting when I run across a government employee that complains about the size of our government. So I ask them, how can you complain about the size of our government when you're obviously well paid by it, salary as well as retirement and other benefits. The two primary reactions are the infamous blank-stare, or them having to acknowledge, "good point," while not altering a thing in the arrangement.

The more people that the Government(s) can hire, the more they can control, and the more control that they have. The more that they control, the more that the Central Bankers and the Central Banking Syndicate then in turn control. It's a pretty straight forward approach.

For more on a lot of that, spending time on whom Edward Bernays was and his "contributions" to our society is paramount.

Banking of course, in our entirely black-box Central Banking operation controls it ALL. Hence the "Audit the Fed" push by an extreme minority. Every single "Financial" INDUSTRY institution as well, including the controlled "financial markets," the vast network of colleges and universities that promote style over substance anymore in all but STEM disciplines, and even there, via their precious Electives, aka coerced propaganda. And let's not forget the mysterious manner in which they forced our nation's young people and "most precious resource" into Injecting debilitating and deadly toxins into their bodies, ... strangely, in most cases without the same requirements for those in their administrations making those edicts. Funny how that works, ain't it.

Anyway, not to wax too long, but it's ALL controlled by the Central Banks via the money systems. Which ones? Well, the Federal Reserve in the US, but similar privately held interests/corporations in other countries. For a list, visit the Bank of International Settlements on wiki and go to the Members list.

We'll cling to our mammon however like Smeagol to the Ring as we fall into the Pit. We forsook God a long time ago. But that's OK we've heard, as the Prosperity Gospels render Christ a liar. What do we know, after all this time it really is possible to worship God and mammon simultaneously. Wonderful, ain't it.

Money/Mammon/Wealth über Alles! We've made our worship choice over the past half-century. The Banks and global Financial Institutions (aka the Financial INDUSTRY) is indeed "Too Big to Fail." Emphasis on "Big" now, post 2007/8. They are indeed "Too BIG to Fail." They weren't in 2007 and had we allowed them to fail, we wouldn't be where we are. But hey, in the interests of preserving our wealth, what's the big deal about selling our progeny and humanity down the river.

Any time now they'll be controlling every individual in the world. Oh, my bad, just as in all the world and other wars fomented by them, they'll likely find a way to kill off a high percentage of the global population as they've promised to do and continually promise to do. But that's OK, as long as we have our cash, pensions, investments, etc. in hand when the time comes, we'll be OK in the afterlife. LOL

It's a large theater that we are in. Unfortunately, most people have absolutely no idea that the seating in that Theater is really a part of the Stage and Performance.

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It will be interesting what Trump does with the MIC as he has said he will close down military bases. But he could also promote more of a war in the Middle East.

The future is in the hands of the planets, surely not man. And as 37 elaborates, unfortunately, "Americans assist in undermining their own country". People live their life being programmed to obsess over getting rich. There is a huge gap with reality, as the hunger for success is a narrow road which blocks out the essence of valuing basic survival. Those who can find the blessing in simplicity, find the best and most authentic way to live.

Thank you, Eric, 37 and Crixcyon

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Too bad the same can't be said for citizens of this country who have to beware of government tyranny.

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