I wish I knew people who would be interested in this, but sadly I know few. It is totally understandable why. The msm has done an excellent job, propagandizing against real historical facts. Plus, Eric, the psychological conditioning which has been born out of this, is as thick as the Berlin Wall, which--metaphorically--still exists!

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Thanks again, Hillary, for that comment, which I consider to be profoundly insightful: stunning, and -- so far as I can tell -- entirely true. I hope that other readers here will also think about it, and will comment here about it, so that there will be a range of perspectives on it.

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The betrayals just keep going! And the people of the world, except for a small few, have no idea.

Thank you for sharing this valuable story.

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Thank you!, Hillary. Please spread this article to others, so that they too will have an opportunity to consider the facts that it (via its links) documents. American voters (like voters throughout the U.S. empire) are so deceived by the lies that the billionaires' agents spread in order to serve the billionaires.

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