The real question is, can any religion create a genetic marker which appears in all those born as followers, all those who convert and which then disappears if the religion is dropped.

The answer is NO. Jews are not a race. They have always comprised all so-called races although the modern view is there are no races beyond the human race. Jews are African, Asian, Anglo, European and more. They are blonde, blackhaired, white skinned, yellow skinned, black skinned and freckled. It would be biologically impossible for them to be a race. They do not even share common histories or culture, beyond the religion, let alone have one common language.

Religions which intermarry can share some DNA but genetically intermarriage is a disaster eventually and the group dies out because of genetic deformities so that option is not available.

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Excellent article by the way.

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Understanding Judaism - it is NOT Old Testament religion! Very simply - today's Israel is the modern face of DaSynagogue of Satan - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/search?q=Judaism+&m=1 - a list of headnotes from DaLimbraw Library - read and learn, as I did.

Learning is a PROCESS - never an end state!

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I think Today's Israel is the end result for a religion which promotes superiority as humans, exceptionalism and eternal victimhood. Such beliefs if sealed in a Hermetic pot, culturally, socially, civilly will create enormous dysfunction, the PTSD of exceptionalist victims, and all of it sanctioned by God. Even the fake Jews, the atheists, who do not believe in God, do believe in some of the things the nonexistent God said, like, you are the only humans, you are superior to goyim, Palestine belongs to you, the deaths of non-Jews do not count.

If you put all soldiers with PTSD into one state, male and female of course, brainwashed their children from birth and subjected them to constant propaganda, while ensuring they had easy access to weapons, lots of weapons, and ensuring them they could never do wrong and those who were not them, not of their tribe, not Jews, were subhuman inferiors with no right to life or right to anything, then you end up with the atrocity which is Ziorael.

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