Censorship...you censor one thing and then you have to go the full route and censor everything. There is no in-between with freedom of speech. You either have it or you don't. All freedom of speech is nothing more than opinions, facts or lies. Being able to express anything is desirable while it is up to the content absorber to determine what they want to believe or accept.

If you feel offended then you have the problem and that is letting the opinions of others determine your thinking and emotional health. Freedom of speech can never hurt you as words and thoughts are not harmful in reality. Not like a club to the side of the head would be.

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I agree with all parts of that except would replace the word "determine" by "have input into" or "have a possibility of affecting."

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That is a good point. Nowadays, though, Christians pretend to love the Jewish people. I do not believe them. Still, Zionism is a brilliant way to play the Jews against the Arabs, in the Middle East. I am glad you are against Censorship.

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