Jews- religion. Germans - a people and nationality. This delusion that Jews, followers of a religion can be compared with nationalities is ridiculous.

Excellent article and understand this is not your position but it is the position of the Zionists.

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Dear Eric,

Your title is outrageous and your knowledge of these topics is poor. I believe and understand the Scriptures and will tell you:

- Eric Hegseth is certifiably insane and does not understand the Scriptures. These type of ‘Christians’ must be jettison.

- The Jews are not Old Covenant Israel nor was Christ a Jew neither was He their Messiah.

- The Germans do appear in the Scriptures; Assyria

- Being ‘God’s chosen’ does not grant any right to do whatever is desired

- These are not the ‘End Times’, they happened as Christ said they would 2000 years ago

You are not helping your own cause; dismissing the Scriptures as fiction only hastens the moral decline of the once ‘Christian’ West. The Law was given because Man is not capable of determining it. Trump is you.

Generally, most people know nothing of Hitler or WW2 but British and Israeli atrocity propaganda. Most people have no working knowledge of the British Empire and European history. If you want to learn about Hitler, stop wasting everyone’s time with bogus sources and read his book Mein Kampf. Make sure it is the Ralph Mannheim translation. The others are propaganda just like the neo-Nazis today. Hitler was an honourable man, of high moral character and well studied. The least you could do is to stop promoting garbage.

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Thanks, Edward, but you offer no evidence against even one of my assertions, and many of your assertions aren't even relevant to this article.

For example, if you had clicked onto my article wherever you thought that an assertion is false, then you would be dealing with the evidence, and not merely making your own assertions to the contrary of the assertion that you disagree with. A good example of a false assertion that you make is (which Hiter likewise said many times, "nor was Christ a Jew." Then how could it be that the four canonical Gospel accounts of Jesus and of what he said consider themselves to be followers of Jesus even though three of the four Christian-canonical Gospel accounts upon which their ‘history’ of the start of Christianity are based referred to him as being a rabbi — a teacher not of Christianity but of Judaism (the very faith-group that Paul and his followers demonized):

Matthew 23:7, 23:8, 26:25, 26:49; Mark 9:5, 11:21, 14:45; and John 1:38, 1:49, 3:2, 3:26, 4:31, 6:25, 9:2, and 11:8. And this is merly ONE of the many evidences that the historical Jesus was, indeed, a Jew. There are many others, which I likewise present in my 2012 book CHRIST'S VENTRILOQUISTS. It's based ONLY on the most-highly-respected-by-historians documents.

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For that I would have to direct you to my 7 part series All The Jews Fit To Print that reveals the fraud.


For sake of time it’s just far more effective to note for a start the Latin Vulgate doesn’t use that word but Iudeaorum which, translates as Judean. The Jews are not Judeans as is commonly promoted. Too many corruptions in scripture which, is how we wind up with utter lunatics like Hegseth!

Glad to make your acquaintance.

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It always intrigued me that although The Holocaust is called Uniquely Evil, what the Jews, in their turn, are doing to the Palestinians is called The Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy. I suspect that for the same reason they condemn The Holocaust-- this belief that the Jews are The Chosen People-- they condone, even praise, how the Israeli Defense Forces exterminate off Palestinians. Really very interesting to me.

And by the way, I suppose that all the talk about the Nazis being Norse Pagans, or any other type of Pagan, are lies spread by the Christian Zionists to cover Christianity's tracks. They do not want people to know that Christianity was behind The Holocaust. Sadly, much like many Medievals blame the entire Jewish people for The Crucifixion, many Moderns blame the entire German people for The Holocaust. It is the same type of mentality. Both Medievals and Moderns, it would seem, believe in Collective Guilt.

The Christian Zionists, by the way, are either lying about being Christian, lying about loving the Jewish people, or both. They are probably the source of all the rumors that the Nazis were Pagans. The Nazis, being for the most part Roman Catholic, would have dismissed said Christian Zionists as Judaizers, and hence heretics. John Hagee is particularly annoying.

Whenever I listen to Bishop Williamson, it lends credence to your books. He, of course, was from The Society of Saint Pius The Tenth, a Traditionalist Catholic sect.

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What you say is true, except "Sadly, much like many Medievals blame the entire Jewish people for The Crucifixion, many Moderns blame the entire German people for The Holocaust. It is the same type of mentality.":

Whereas many of the German people did participate in the Holocaust, few if actually any Jews participated in condemning Jesus to death, because that judgment was entirely by the Roman Imperial Regime, which ALWAYS crucified individuals who publicly challenged the Emperor's authority -- including his authority to appoint Kings -- and THIS is the reason why when Jesus was crucified, the phrase "King of the Jews" was placed above his head, so as to warn anyone else who would encourage followers to think to be a king but who HADN'T received such appointment by the Emperor, that this will happen to YOU if you try.

After all, Paul and his followers acknowledged -- never denied -- the Emperor's authority, and they claimed that their 'God" had given that authority TO the Emperor. Reading the Bible is reading religious and political propaganda, not history, and any authentic historian of Christianity's founding recognizes and acknowledges this in trying to reconstruct the actual historical events that produced these documents and that produced the decision by Paul's Church, the Roman Catholic Church, to select THESE documents to canonize as BEING THE BIBLE.

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I don't think anyone with logics can blame the grand children for the crimes of the grandparents. The bible said that Roman ruler said, i don't see any reasons to crucify this man? I am innocent of the blood of this man, and washed his hands in front of the Jewish elders, who screame HIS BLOOD WILL BE ON US, AND OUR CHILDREN AFTER US. So, that is the reason some Christians say the current jews are guilty?

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The Bible even mentions talking donkeys!

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Oddly enough, the Poles and Russians have historically been every bit as anti-Jewish as the Germans themselves. I suppose, they all got it from the New Testament.

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The best history of anti-Semitism (Jew-hatred) that has ever been published is the masterpiece, ANTI-SEMITISM: The Causes and Effects of a Prejudice, by Grosser & Halperin, in 1976. It documents that what you said there is true. It makes no difference which branch of Christianity, because all of them got their canon, their Scripture, from the Roman Catholic Church. My 2012 book CHRIST'S VENTRILOQUISTS presents an even more detailed documentation than is presented in Part Two of my 2000 WHY THE HOLOCAUST HAPPENED, of how and when and where and why the Christian faith was created in Damascus in the year 49 or 50, by Paul, who had just before decided to condemn and abandon the Jewish sect of which he had been a part, that had been created by the rabbi Jesus, and to produce the foundation for what he was intending to become the world's largest religion. But, in any case, all Christian faiths are based upon the Bible that the Roman Catholic Church created. Its New Testament was written by Paul and his followers.

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Thank you!

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