Makes sense all around! To Iran and Russia and the world. Make sure Iran's ballistic missile defence is as strong as possible before risking a major hit on Israel. The Russians also have hypersonic ballistic missiles and so do the Iranians. The Israelis do not because their weaponry is US supplied. So Israel has supersonic Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles. The S-400 system can deal with these as well as dealing with any strike aircraft the Israelis have, including the F-35. The most worrisome threat (and it threatens the entire world) is that Israel has deliverable nuclear warheads and the leaders who have boasted of their willingness to use them. So any IRBM or any plane launched from Israel which could be carrying a nuke has to be shot down. The Saudis have said they will no longer permit Israeli planes to be refuelled in KSA airspace, so that's reassuring.

This is exactly why Russian service people are in Iran with those S-400 systems. Russia is through trusting Israel or the US. If an IRBM is launched from Israel the Russians WILL shoot it down. And then will come an obliterating attack on Israeli air assets and bases. If the Iranians or Hezbollah can't do it the Russians WILL.

Since western sanctions destroyed the foreign-held wealth of the Russian "Oligarchs" Putin has no longer any need to pussy-foot around these gangsters. Now he can kick them out or jail them and his government is free of them. Their power was established in the 1990s with the aid of American carpet baggers. The sanctions cut them off at the knees. The sanctions made Russians depend on their own products and agriculture and industry and now the economy is strong and growing and free. Now the Atlanticist US/EU gangsters are gone! And that includes the Israeli mob.

So no more pussy-footing with Israel, not when it comes to nukes!

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Saturation with Tomahawks, drones, decoys and HARM suppression will deplete the anti-aircraft systems and allow F-35 to do the mission it was primarily created for. Destroying S-300, 400, 500 and any other anti-aircraft systems along with the enemy fighters at standoff distances.

This is why Russia is bogged down in Ukraine unable to fly its heavy bombers or even its advanced fighters into Ukraine. The Ukraine-NATO air defenses are formidable and will shoot them down at a unacceptable rate. Russia has no dedicated (SEAD) aircraft designed and equipped for such a mission and it shows. This will also prove true for Iran.

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The F-35 is crap. Your info on Ukraine is pure fantasy. The facts are diametrically opposite.

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