Donald Trump is a Zionist. Indeed, both parties are Zionists. Here's some info. to demonstrate this point. A delegation of rabbis from the Chabad Lubavitch movement have visited each U.S. President in the Oval Office since Jimmy Carter in 1978. Here is a photo of the rabbis from Chabad Lubavitch visiting with Donald Trump in the Oval Office https://www.timesofisrael.com/trump-meets-with-chabad-rabbis-in-oval-office/ Here is a document that further explains Chabad Lubavitch and that can shed light on the larger subject of the New World Order/ One World Government https://www.eaec.org/The-Hidden-History-of-the-Antichrist--Summary-of-Lucifer-and-the-Kabbalistic-Jews--Teresa-Hillebrandt.pdf

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No matter what the election, you’re basically choosing between a meadow muffin and a pasture pie.

Ron Paul had the support of the people and to be honest made Trump possible.

The Republican party drove Ron Paul out of the convention and tried the same thing with Trump however, Trump beat them.

As far as war with Russia or China

It is all big talk.

This is as much chance of Trump using a nuclear weapon as there was of him truly locking Hillary up.

He has my vote for one reason it is a vote against the corruption of the electoral process, our judicial system, And what has developed into medical tyranny and terror.

The stage is set to separate you from your loved ones in the hospital while they’re killed by the medical establishment using approved methods and there’s nothing you’re gonna do about it.

But that’s a discussion for another day.

The question is will he use his office to solve those problems?

And I think not.

He jumped on that Covid bandwagon pretty quick, didn’t he?

A couple hours of reading should’ve convinced any thinking man it was déjà vu all over again.

Folks, this is judgment from God.

Read second Kings chapter 17.

God’s law applies today to his people, who are now called Christians, just like it did when his people were called Israel and Judahans.

This begs the question why people cannot see what is going on for what it is.

Just like in the days of he Ahaz, nobody cares about God’s word.

Jeremiah 5:31

“The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?“

The corruption is going on because we have allowed it.

Ezekiel 22

12 “In thee have they taken gifts to shed blood; thou hast taken usury and increase, and thou hast greedily gained of thy neighbours by extortion, and hast forgotten me, saith the Lord God.“

And we have allowed it due to the corruption of the church and the pastors, which in and of itself is a form of judgment, teaching that Romans 13 means total submission to government.

Think about it.

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No mention of Kennedy as a viable option? If you listen/read of his promises to end the forever wars; bring our troops home to defend the borders and secure peace in the US again - he is the only candidate who makes sense. Now if MSM would only give him a chance.

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The following is not consistent with your allegation:


dated 5 November 2023, which includes at 42:25-44:17 the rabidly imperialistic excerpts that are shown in this very good 5-minute Russian video clip:

“Israel is critical, and the reason it’s critical is that it’s the bulwark for us in the mid-east; it’s almost like an aircraft carrier in the mid-east, Israel is our ambassador, it’s our presence, it’s our beachhead in the mid-east; it gives us ears, eyes in the mid-east, it gives us intelligence; it gives us the capacity to take influence in affairs in the mid-east. If Israel disappeared, Russia and China would be controlling and they’d control 90% of the world’s oil supply, and that would be cataclysmic to national security.”

and it also includes at 36:47-38:24 Kennedy’s rabidly anti-Muslim statements to the effect that the U.S. Government has a right to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries — countries with values and internal priorities that are supposedly less democratic than in America (which is, in fact, a scientifically proven dictatorship by-and-for our billionaires) — so that he is (though he doesn’t view himself as being) an American international supremacist — a neocon, a U.S. imperialist — in his thinking. He might be a brilliant, phenomenally gifted, and even well-intentioned person, who isn’t really aware of his own prejudices (in this case pro-Christian, pro-Jew, anti-Muslim — especially anti-Shiite), and this prejudice, which he accepts unquestioningly, causes him to favor Israel against Iran and against the Gazans.

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We'll have zero national debt before the MSM lets RFK Jr. have a chance.

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Good luck on that write in idea.

I’ve never been able too do that.

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We don't need another fake president. We already have The Dummy and more than one is two too many.

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