Your headline is the truth. The assassination attempt was kabuki theater most likely. Trump would have been whisked away without any delay, but they gave him time to rise up and raise his arm and tell the crowd to " Fight, fight, fight!". Even if the SS was slow on purpose, Trump should have ran off the stage like a bolt of lightning on his own power. How did he know that the shooting was finished. Also, I find it amazing how quickly his ear healed after being shot by a rifle. Everyone said how strange the event played out, and there was a reason. It was a sloppy con job, that people still fell for. Americans are really, really dumb.

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All politicians are nothing more than statues and figureheads. This is why they make promises and forget them soon after elected. They all pander to an unseen force that pays them well and ensures their dedication to the club will keep them safe. We may see a few politicians make a few waves here and there, but that is only to keep the voter voting for the same imprisonment and slavery.

They claim, see I am doing something so vote for me. Yet, our chains of slavery grow stronger with each passing administration. But there is now a quandary on the horizon. For the last 100 years since WW1, the US has been on a socialist track whereby they buy our loyalty with economic and monetary favors of which we pay for with taxes.

Now, the money is running out and all the promises cannot be kept. This is why we hear constant chatter about them raising taxes. Not much in the way of cutting expenses since over 80% of the budget is virtually locked in with little wiggle room. On the other hand, the government's out-worldly masters are demanding that they murder their populations. Less population means less economy which means less taxes are collected and on and on. So, government is at a crossroads.

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